We will no longer be posting on this blog. We have begun a new blog at a new site.
Thanks, friends.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
All Done
Posted by Dareth at 2:51 PM 15 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Just a few finishing touches...
We have made some decisions regarding this little blog of ours. I don't want to throw it all out there without discussing it with the Racer, so I won't be sharing many details. But, I can tell you that we did decide to create a whole new blog. Jenn worked tirelessly on a design and we have a great new layout! We are putting some finishing touches on the page and then we will need to actually write something Then we can share the details with those who are interested.
Unveiling soon...
Posted by Dareth at 5:06 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
a work in progress
That title could mean so many things in my life, but I am talking about this blog specifically. My lovely and talented neice (she loves it when I refer to her in that way) Jenn is designing a new blog page for us. We will post more details once it's ready to be revealed. But, just know that it's going to be adorable based on her work!
We have done some soul searching and have made some decisions about what we want from our blog and can't wait to reveal it soon.
Posted by Dareth at 2:00 PM 2 comments
Labels: family, randomness
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
helloooo...anyone there?
So, umm, yeah...we are slacker bloggers. Lots of life has happened over the summer, and we have been debating on why we even do this and what we wanted this here blog to be about. You see, it started out as a weight loss blog and morphed and then, well, we've just been discussing what in the world are we doing?
Posted by Timmarie at 12:42 PM 4 comments
Labels: randomness
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
He Lives...and so do we.
Why don't we write on here more? I have no idea. Life is busy. I no longer have internet at home. I have so much going on in my head that I am not ready to put out there for all the world to read. But, today has been a big day. And it's only 10:15am.
- My daughter's bus schedule came in the mail today. She starts preschool in less than 2 weeks. She is so adorably excited. When I checked the mail this morning and received the bus time, she asked to hold the card. She set it down in her lap, placed her hands over her mouth and squealed, "I am soooo essited!" My heart turned into a puddle in that instant as I saw my little girl who has matured so quickly over the last 3 months. Being a big sister has really brought her into her own.
- My little guy, who turned 3 months on Saturday, rolled over this morning from his stomach to his back. It made me a little teary as I considered his miraculous little life. Speaking of my "little" guy. He is getting so big! He is over 11 lbs and in the 25 percentile. That's a huge increase from the 4lbs 10oz at birth. A couple of other babies have been born at our church. He looks so giant and so white compared to those dark skinned tiny little babies. They made for some adorable pictures!
- My girl has become a little more fashion conscious these days. She looks more carefully at the colors to make sure they "match". Now, don't get me wrong. She doesn't actually match. If there is any shade of the same color family, to her it matches. This morning she put on some orange biker shorts, a pink tank top and a bathing suit on top that is 3 sizes too big. Now, it technically "matches" because the bathing suit has pink and orange in it. She has yet to allow me a picture, but if she does, I will be sure to post it. It's a doozie...
- I continue to work with Dirty Jobs and I am so blessed to watch that boy grow and change. He has taken off in his language and social development and academically, well, I think he will be reading before you know it. I just love how he takes a label and blows the doors right off of it. Keep on going little man. I can't wait to see what your next year holds!
- Other than that, life is full of smiles and giggles and dishes and difficulites, tantrums and money worries. But, we have got lots of memories in the making and I am oh-so-thankful for the opportunity to watch my kids grow. I am so grateul that even in these difficult economic times, that I still get to be the one who cares for my kids each day. They change so fast. And I am trying to recognize the blessings in all of it.
Posted by Dareth at 10:16 AM 2 comments
Labels: family, randomness
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Prodigal
Our pastor has been preaching the past 2 weeks on the parable of the Prodigal Son. I can't say I have "enjoyed" it because the series has brought much conviction to my life. I can't seem to get it out of my head. And, frankly, I am at a place in which I feel a little annoyed at all the conviction. (Just keepin' it real, folks.) But, I don't ever want to knowingly ignore something the Lord is trying to teach me- even when it hurts. So, I feel the need to work it out a little here on "paper". I love how an old story that I have heard so many times can become new as something else is revealed that I never noticed before. The Lord's Word is so rich.
Posted by Dareth at 4:30 AM 3 comments
Labels: truth
Thursday, June 25, 2009
happy birthday
Dear Dinoboy,
Posted by Dareth at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Because I Can't Actually Say it This Well.
Hi. I'm the other author of this blog. The one who has been, well, absent.
Posted by Timmarie at 10:46 PM 1 comments
I had this conversation with someone the other day.
Posted by Dareth at 9:25 AM 3 comments
Labels: family, randomness
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A friend sent me this link tonight. It really got me thinking.
Posted by Dareth at 3:48 AM 2 comments
Labels: marriage
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Look who has a double chin!!
Posted by Dareth at 11:16 AM 2 comments
Labels: baby news, family, randomness
Friday, June 12, 2009
The best laid plans...
Yesterday was my due date. A few months ago, I was convinced that on this day, I would most likely be sitting here wondering when my baby boy's birthday was going to come. I figured I would be praying that I would not have to be induced again. And most likely, I would be hot, hot, hot - 10 months pregnant living on the surface of the sun. I figured that like his sister, he would keep us waiting and on this day we would be preparing for a LONG labor.
Posted by Dareth at 3:48 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
some photos
Posted by Dareth at 8:07 PM 2 comments
CPT Adorable is home
I know I haven't updated on here much since our little guy's arrival. My hospital and back home schedule were really hectic. I have to say that it provided a nice transition though. I was able to get some really good snuggle time with my little guy in and lots of one on one time with him before I had to share him with the world. I was also able to spend a little more one on one time with the Cutie before we rocked her world just one more time. I also had some quiet time to process.
Posted by Dareth at 6:48 AM 3 comments
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Like Papa, Only Smaller
Posted by Timmarie at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Traveling - Local and Beyond.
A few weeks back our family of 4 went camping with our high school youth group. My Deadliest Catch and I work with the youth, and we just brought our kids along for the ride. Some things about camping:
- Camping at "That time" requires a careful watch on your attitude. I did not do so well with that.
- Teens and 4 year olds both enjoy flotation devices for the water with the same enthusiasm.
- Camping in April local to where we live gets to be a little warm in the day and chilly at night.
- S'mores. Hello, lover.
- Campfire with teens is so much fun. Especially when Dinoboy falls.
- One of our teens (who totally is amazing) carried an entire tree of firewood. She is one strong girl!
- The stars. How can you not believe in a Creator when looking at the stars. Breathtaking.
- My family was the only people who used the first aid kit. All 3 of them.
Posted by Timmarie at 3:56 PM 2 comments
Labels: travel
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Just Because
Because a diagnosis doesn't define you or your capabilities. Because you are smart. Because you are adventurous. Because you have the best smile. Because you say things like, "Be happy, Mommy" when you are in trouble. Because you pray to Jesus. Because you are always excited to see me. Because you love your Sissy. Because you think Grandma Poppa's house is the doorway to Disneyland. Because you would eat fruit all day long. Because you love computer games. Because you give 'Big Hugs." Because you have some fantabulous manners. Because you are beating the odds...
...I am one blessed Momma.
Posted by Timmarie at 11:17 PM 4 comments
Things to take to the hospital when I go to feed the baby:
Posted by Dareth at 8:56 PM 6 comments
Labels: Cpt Mom
Sunday, May 3, 2009
It's Official...
...that little baby in the isolette warmer has stolen this mama's heart.
I don't think I have looked at him one time without the thought, "He is so beautiful" entering my mind. The Lord has chosen to bless our family with the most perfect little addition. I can't wait to see how all of this adds up to become his personality some day. He has rocked our world. He has, since the day we first learned of his existance, kept us wondering what lie ahead for our family. And now, as I look at this miniature baby, I wonder, "Where are we going from here?"
I don't have any idea. But, one look at that perfect little guy and I know it's going to be good.
And if my labor is any indication, it will be quite the exciting ride...
baby update:
Yesterday he was unable to leave the isolette most of the day because his temperature would drop upon leaving the warmer. But, this morning I was able to cuddle him for 50 minutes and we were able to keep his temp up. Yay! He also nursed for the first time this morning and did a great job. He latched on and stayed for 10 minutes. He slept about half of it, but it was great for the first time. He did not eat much through the night, so they are putting a feeding tube in this morning. He will continue to nurse in addition to the tube. They tell me this is almost always the rule with a 34 week baby. They end up burning more calories than they can take in while feeding. So, he has had a few setbacks now that we've past the 24 hr mark, but they had told us to expect that also. Overall, he is doing just what they expect a baby born 6 weeks early to do. So, we are pleased with his progress. The Lord knit him together in my womb and we know that He is continuing to "knit" each and every moment.
Posted by Dareth at 10:17 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Cpt. Adorable has Arrived!
Cpt Mom had an oh-so-speedy delivery. The little guy was born at 12:38am, weighing in at 4lbs 11oz. He is 19 inches long and has a very active set of lungs - Praise God! The Lord has answered our prayers with many yes' this evening/early morning and we are so, so grateful. He is so, so adorable.
Mama looks amazing, and seeing her hold that sweet thang just made my heart burst!
Please be praying for good sucking reflex for baby, maintenance of his strong lungs, and a fabulous introduction between him and the Cutie later on this morning. We want a healthy baby that can go home with Cpt Mom!
I'll post a picture later on (when I have one on my camera).
Posted by Timmarie at 3:18 AM 1 comments
Friday, May 1, 2009
And she's off...
to Labor and Delivery!
Please be praying for Cpt Mom and Cpt Adorable. We need peace and high platelets for Mama, and strong lungs and body for Baby.
I'll update when I can.
Cpt Mom, you are one strong mama. You held onto this boy for 5 days (6 really) and that is so, so good. I am so proud of you and how you are walking this stage of your life with such grace. I can't wait to see that precious baby boy. I'm just positive he's gonna come out with God's fingerprints all over him. I love you, my friend.
Posted by Timmarie at 10:51 PM 1 comments
Hospital Update: Day 5.
I had a long night's sleep last night. I have woken up by 3am every other day. So, a full 8 hours of sleep was quite magnificent! They have had me on the look out for any changes in my fluid. This morning, I had some changes. I was fearful that I may be developing a much dreaded infection. Thankfully, after much discussion with the nurses and after seeing the dr, they determined that there is no concern of infection. Yay!
I became a little emotional when I thought something might be wrong. It's funny how the emotions sneak up on me. I am a girl who tends to be a little out of touch with my emotions.
The dr told me today that they will test the fluid again on Monday to see if the lungs are mature. If they are, they will induce me on Tuesday. If not, I will be 35 weeks on Thursday and will be induced then. Apparently the advantage of leaving him in the womb with broken membranes no longer outweighs the risk of infection after 35 weeks. So, it seems as though we will have a baby next week. Wow! I still can't seem to wrap my mind around that.
Well, the newest development is that it seems I am showing signs of early labor. My contractions have picked up a wide pattern and I am showing signs of cervical activity. Since I didn't go into labor with the Cutie, I don't actually know what any of this means. My husband keeps asking me how long I think it will be now. I have NO idea. I haven't ever done this before. And they are having me lay flat and stay still to try to slow the progress. So, what does this mean? Again, I have no idea. I guess it means I could have a baby today, tomorrow, or next week. Because I am so unsure, I haven't even contacted the family to let them know. Because I just don't know what to say. "Umm, hi. I thought you might want to know that I may or may not be going into labor." That's not really helpful, now is it??
So, I guess I will just keep laying around and see if there are any new developments through the night...
Posted by Dareth at 5:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: baby news
Thursday, April 30, 2009
We climbed in the window!
We made it to our first milestone! We are now considered to be safely in the "steroid window". If baby boy had to be delivered today, his lungs would need much less help in functioning outside of the womb. Just typing that has brought me to tears. I had yet to cry since this entire situation began early Monday. I have been running on auto-pilot since that 2 am wake up call.
How am I feeling? It's the question so many have asked. And the answer is: I really don't know. I don't know if I am in shock, denial, confusion or peace. I think it is a little of all of those things.
Shock: I have had very little emotion about any of this. I have listened to and reported the facts. Very cut and dry.
Denial: I am having a very difficult time wrapping my mind around the fact that I will not be leaving this hospital with this little guy inside of me. That by the time I go home, I will no longer be pregnant. I don't feel finished with this pregnancy. There is still too much to do. I have to reorganize the Cutie's room and make it a room for 2. I have to sort baby clothes. I have to finish my registry. We have to have our special time together as a family of three...
Confusion: Am I really going to be the mom of a premature baby? What does that mean? What does that look like? What will his needs be when he comes out? What will my postpartum hormones look like in light of all of this? I thought I would be more confident this time around. But, I sit here questioning my ability to mother a boy, to feed a baby who may not suck well.
Peace: The lack of total and complete freak outs must be evidence of the Lord's hand. I have yet to feel overly stressed about this whole situation. There are many unknowns, in regards to Cpt Adorable and our life situations in general. Yet, I feel little stress. So many are lifting our family to the Lord and He has been so faithful to continue to provide for our every need. I know that this little guy is exactly who the Lord wants him to be. I know he is just the right fit to round out our family of four. No matter what that looks like.
If any new developments occur, I will post about them when I can. And I will be sure to have the Racer keep you informed as to when this little guy is coming and a picture once he arrives. Thank you all for your prayers and concern. They make a tangible difference in our family.
Posted by Dareth at 6:10 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Make him strong, Lord.
Well, I will avoid posting too much information here, because most of my readers know me in real life and have been kept up to date with texts and phone calls. But, for those of you who have not heard and just to document this crazy time in my life:
Monday at 2am, my water broke spontaneously. At 33 1/2 weeks. I was in complete denial. I kept trying to convince myself (and others) that I had just wet myself. Even when the triage nurse told me to be prepared to stay in the hospital if my water was broken, I couldn't think of even one thing to take to the hospital when you are having a baby. We had a whole suitcase when we delivered the Cutie, yet I couldn't think of even one thing. I called my bff to come stay with the Cutie and when we left I told her we would probably be back in a couple of hours when they determined I had, in fact, peed my pants. Well, long story short, I had not. My water was broken. My husband went into action and started making a list of all the things that need to be done before we can bring the baby home. (I have, of course, not done anything to prepare for bringing this baby home yet.) He asked me what else needed to be done. Again, I couldn't think of even one thing. I don't know if I was in denial or just shock, but I could not wrap my mind around the fact that this baby is coming out of me.
So, here I am in the hospital. I will be here until baby boy has made his arrival into the world. Tests have been run:
- His lungs are immature. The steroids are running their course and by tomorrow morning, I will be in the "steriod window" where we will have past the first milestone that my doctor really wanted to acheive. Good job, baby boy!
- The ultrasound shows that all his systems look good. His heart is pumping strong. His kidneys look good. Fluid levels are still in the safe range. And most exciting, the ultrasound determines that his approximate weight is about 5 pounds! That is a great weight for this stage.
- And I have not begun any cervical effacing or dialating.
So, the goals for now are that I stay put in the hospital until this baby is born- hopefully the end of next week or later. I need to stay infection free in order to provide a safe home for him to reside. And, I need to stay in the bed to avoid a contraction pattern.
I am so thankful that the hospital brought me this laptop to borrow while I stay here. Everyone is so kind and gracious. Friends and family have brought me everything I could ever need and provided lots of hours of visits to keep the boredom away. Major Hunk and Cpl Cutie have been having a great time together. Things have been going really smoothly for them at home. We have had so many prayers lifted up on our behalf. I can feel the peace of the Lord surrounding us. I will try to keep posting updates as we get any new information.
On a lighter note, we are getting closer to giving this little guy a name. And, today the bff bought our little guy a onesie in honor of our little blog. It says Captain Adorable. So, even though it totally breaks rank and is all wrong from a military standpoint, we may have to adopt this pseudoname for now. Now that this little guy is becoming more real, he really does deserve a name.
I will be back another time to post less about the informational stuff and more about the personal journey I am experiencing as we walk through this uncertain time in our lives.
Posted by Dareth at 4:50 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
An update of sorts
I like to keep both our readers updated, you know :)
- While still having contractions on a daily basis, I have not had any regular pattern or any activity that has been concerning since Easter Sunday. I wonder what it will say about this little guy's personality if he decides to stay put after all this??
- Our girl is getting a speech evaluation this week. The girl's got language covered. She talks and talks...and talks. But, she does have some sound production issues I want to have looked at. And I won't lie, I am interested in some free preschool if she qualifies :)
- Our family went to Sea World this weekend. I have always loved amusement parks. But, watching my daughter experience it was a special kind of beautiful.
- Our truck broke down last week. That cost a fortune. Good times...
- And the biggest news of all...Major Hunk and I have narrowed the name list to 3 possibilities. This baby will have a name!
Posted by Dareth at 5:51 AM 2 comments
Labels: randomness, truth
Monday, April 13, 2009
Dear Cpt Mom's Baby in Her Tummy,
I don't feel as if I can nickname you because you still don't have a real-life name. But trust me, you are going to have an impossible amount of nicknames.
I have gotten to see you twice via ultrasound, and let me tell you ~ you are a handsome little guy. I can't hardly wait to meet you outside the womb. I'll be getting some serious snuggle time in with you. For now, dear one, could you please stay put in utero for at least 3 or 4 more weeks? That would make your momma feel alot better. We're highly concerned at your occasional attempt to bust out of the joint. Dr. SuperDuperOBGyn is OK if you come in May, but not before then, OK?
You are going to be loved and adored by many, sweet boy. I'm so blessed to be apart of the group that loves you. I look forward with joy to discovering all the things that make you uniquely you. My prayer for you is that you will always be up for the adventure that life surely is, and that you will live life to the full with your God. And if you could sleep through the night at a very early age, that would be great, too.
I love you, little one. I'm so excited to see you soon.
Posted by Timmarie at 8:53 AM 2 comments
Friday, April 10, 2009
Good Friday
Good Friday is a day that I believe gets a bad rap. It is really a beautiful love story from God to His people. It is violent and brutal and difficult to consider. But, if there had been no Good Friday, there would be no Easter Sunday. If Jesus hadn't died, He would not have been ressurrected. And if not for the ressurrection, we would not have the promise of heaven.
Posted by Dareth at 7:37 AM 2 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A Little Romance
So, it's Sunday morning and I should be getting ready for church. "Getting ready" can get crazy around these parts. We go to a pretty casual church, so it's not like I have to find my best dress or anything, it's just the franticness of getting 4 of us out the door with teeth and hair brushed, extra wipes and a pull up, and all the other stuff. You know how it is to get our your door sometimes. That's how it is every Sunday.
Not this Sunday. This Sunday I am listening to the birds chirp and enjoying the coolness that is our extended Spring. I'm allowing myself to be swept up in the fact that this extended Springtime (seriously, we usually have 1 Spring day, then it gets hot and we have some cool evenings) is a gift to me. From God. At a time when my heart just needed something to be swept away in. And I didn't even know it.
I'm breathing deep, smiling, knowing I've already had church this morning. In the truest sense - where my relationship with God meets my reality in life.
I think I'm in love.
Posted by Timmarie at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Friday, April 3, 2009
The Growing in Waiting
I have heard this song many times over, but one day, it fell fresh on my ears. I haven't been able to get it out of my head since. I am in a place of waiting. Waiting and trusting. And it is difficult. I certainly have not mastered the art of serving while I am waiting. And I definitely haven't mastered the patiently part. But, it reminds me what I am striving for.
I’m waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait
I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience
While I’m waiting
I will serve You
While I’m waiting
I will worship
While I’m waiting
I will not faint
I’ll be running the race
Even while I wait
I’m waiting
I’m waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I’m waiting on You, Lord
Though it’s not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait
I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting
I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting
I will serve You while I’m waiting
I will worship while I’m waiting on You, Lord
© 2007 Travelin’ Zoo Music (ASCAP) (admin. by EMI CMG Publishing)
Posted by Dareth at 2:18 AM 0 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Another growing boy...
I just love the 3d ultrasound. It really makes it feel like you get to see the baby. A little more than just the bones, at least.
Posted by Dareth at 9:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: baby news
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Growing Boys
Well, hello there. Long time, no blog... That is for a myriad of reasons,but instead of boring you with that, I thought I'd resurface with a picture of my two favorite boys.We took my Hubs to The Happiest Place on Earth for his birthday over Spring Break. Awhile back, my mom had gotten Hubs a t-shirt from there that says Judge Me By My Size, Do You? with a picture of Yoda on the back. The Hubs, well, he's a BIG fan of Star Wars, and by BIG fan, I mean OBSESSED. So anyhow, they had one in my little guys size and Grandma couldn't help but snatch that up for him. The funny part of this t-shirt is the fact that my boys are both tall people. My Hubs is 6'1" and our 4 year old is quite tall and is wearing a size 8 in this
Posted by Timmarie at 8:16 AM 1 comments
Labels: randomness
Some middle of the night ramblings...
Well, here I am again. I cruised on into bed around 12am to be awakened by the Cutie at 1am. I haven't been able to go back to sleep ever since. (it's almost 4am...) I don't have any actual organized thoughts, like I had hoped I might. But, here goes nothing.
Posted by Dareth at 3:54 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
A little speechless
I don't have many words this morning, but I feel compelled to make note of today.
Posted by Dareth at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby Blues
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
a picture update
Here is the only belly shot I have thus far. I am 27 weeks pregnant and as you can see, I am quite rotund... That's the Racer talking to our boy. Hey Racer, can you ask him his name while you are at it???
Posted by Dareth at 8:06 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Where do we begin??
Things have been all kinds of crazy around here. Hopefully one day, when my brain works again, I can form a post that is more than just bullet points. But for now, it's all I can do.
- Firstly, who are those big kids in the header?? We had that other picture for so long, that the change seems very drastic to me.
- My husband's brother and my good friend got married this weekend. It was a crazy, busy, beautiful time. She was a beautiful bride and they looked very much in love.
- I was more tired last night than I can remember feeling since I delivered the Cutie. Now, that was tired!
- For the past 10 weeks, I have been having contractions. Each week, they seem to get more frequent and at times more intense.
- I am not showing signs of preterm labor. Which is good news, because my little guy needs to cook some more, Apparently my uterus is just irritable. I guess it's just being consistant with other parts of me, huh??
- I am now required to drink A LOT, rest often and wear a maternity belt when I am not resting.
- It's a tricky combo: Drink a gallon of water a day and then tightly strap this belt around your bladder...
- Life has taken on a frantic pace and I am working hard to slow it down. I want to enjoy these last few months with my girl as an only child. I do not want to wake up one day and discover my little girl is all grown up and I can't recall how she got there. I know that the time will fly by, and she'll be grown before we know it, but I want to be able to remember the ride.
Posted by Dareth at 7:43 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
A recap of the random
It seems as though we have been on a blogging strike. I think about writing often, but I can't ever seem to find the time. By evening, I am fighting to stay awake long enough to put the Cutie to bed and in the am, I am usually waking up early to take our roomie to school since she is on crutches. Naptimes have become all but non-existent. As you can tell, we are having some sleep issues around here. As in, we don't do it much around here.
Posted by Dareth at 7:29 AM 2 comments
Labels: randomness
Thursday, February 5, 2009
It has been just over a year since my Major Hunk returned from his deployment. Exactly one year since he was back in my arms, I was bidding him goodbye at the airport sending him off to a training conference. It's only a week long. But it did get me thinking...
Posted by Dareth at 8:03 AM 2 comments
Labels: delployment, family, thankful
Friday, January 23, 2009
Oh the growth!
This morning, I took Dirty Jobs and the Cutie to our local indoor playground. I had such a precious morning just watching the two of them. I don't know if I have mentioned that I have been so lucky to work with Dirty Jobs as his habilitation worker. What that means is that in addition to having this sweet guy in our lives as a dear family friend, I also get to work with him one on one a few times a week. I have been doing this since August.
Posted by Dareth at 11:05 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Big Day
Today was my big ultrasound. you know the one where they send you to have all the baby's systems checked out and let you now the sex of the baby. There was a little stress when the tech kept asking me questions that I didn't think were routine. Then the dr came in to check on some things. I was getting nervous and the bff had bowed her head in prayer by then. I asked the dr what he was looking at and he didn't answer. Then I started to panic a little. It turns out they were looking at the placenta and the uterine wall. I was contracting through the ultrasound and that was making it difficult to read. After a little bit of time, they were able to confidently announce that everything looked good. We got some precious pictures of the baby's foot and leg and a great profile shot. We even got a picture of a yawn.
Posted by Dareth at 9:09 AM 4 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Don't let it slip away...
I have been amazed at how different this pregnancy is from my first. More than anything, I have been amazed at how different I have been during this pregnancy. I relished in every moment of my first pregnancy. I was very focused. This time, I am enjoying it. But, I am also very distracted. When people ask how far along I am, I have to stop and think for a second. Well, I thought about it this morning. I am 19 weeks pregnant. That is almost half-way there. Wow.
Posted by Dareth at 5:32 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Conviction?? Well, come on in.
As I mentioned in my post last week my mouth often gets me into trouble. It is one of the things that I feel convicted about most often. And again today, I am awake at unspeakable hours wondering how do I always end up in the same place? Now, don't get me wrong. I don't go around spreading gossip or bashing people's character. It's much more subtle than that. In my concern for others, I often overshare my opinions. My goal for this week is to remember that it doesn't really matter what I think, and I certainly don't always have to share my opinions, especially when no one asked.
Posted by Dareth at 4:34 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Happy Birthday Party
Well, I am finally getting around to the Cutie's birthday post. Her birthday was more than 2 weeks ago, but we just wrapped up the celebrations this weekend. As Dirty Jobs told the bff on Saturday, "Happy Birthday party".
Posted by Dareth at 4:45 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Fireproof- week 1
Major Hunk and I just began a bible study called "Fireproof Your Marriage". It is based on the movie Fireproof. I hope you have seen the movie, but if you haven't...you should. My favorite line from the movie is when Caleb's friend tells him that fireproof doesn't mean that fires won't come, but that when fires do come, it doesn't bring destruction. Yes. I am ready to live in a marriage that is fireproofed. Because anyone who is married knows that fires come.
- Ephesians 4:29
- 1 Peter 3:1b-2
- Do things that make my husband feel respected by me.
- Use words that build him up- when I speak to him and about him.
Posted by Dareth at 5:23 AM 1 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Oh My Four!
Dirty Job,
I greeted you this morning with, "Happy Birthday, Dirty Job." Your reply was, "Happy Birthday, Mommy." It made me grin.
What a journey this past year has been. I have watch you grow and change and GROW some more. Have I mentioned you are HUGE? Your biggest growth, though, has been your speech. We have watched the miracle of who you are unfold this past year. I firmly believe that the Lord answered my prayer for speech through therapy and chelation. You are so fun to listen to!
I love your love for animals, t-rexes and most of all, your love for people. I love when you say hi to strangers. I love when you come up to give me a hug and preface it with, "big hug." Your newest trick is to say, "Come back," in this pathetically sad voice. It cracks me up!
You love talking about the letters of the alphabet, music, and various movies. You enjoy going to the park and riding your big wheel. You like to hike - but only if it involves going up a mountain. No easy trail for you! You love animals, both real and plastic.
The other night as we were laying in your bed I told you that the most important thing to me, even more important than talking is that you love Jesus. Your response, "Thank you, Jesus, Amen." I look forward to seeing and hearing you thank the Lord for many, many things that are to come.
I am so excited as I anticipate the next year with you, sweet boy. Happy Birthday to you!
Posted by Timmarie at 7:32 AM 3 comments
Labels: Dirty Job
Sunday, January 4, 2009
What's Up?
So, it's been a ridiculous amount of time since we have posted on here. The holidays just get like that, don't they? There is so much to share, but so little time to do it. So, in order to keep your boredom to a minimum, here are the cliff's notes.
- Oh the hair. It will be everywhere. Do I really need to throw that into the mix with my already lacking housekeeping skills?
- Is it wise to bring a dog that is big and strong into our house with our child when we don't know it's background/history?
- Umm, we will have a newborn in 5 months.
- We can't actually afford to feed this dog right now.
- And, to be brutally honest, I fear that this dog will become another thing I have to take care of/ clean up after. And, I am not ready to make that kind of commitment.
Posted by Dareth at 2:05 AM 3 comments
Labels: family, randomness