I just love the 3d ultrasound. It really makes it feel like you get to see the baby. A little more than just the bones, at least.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Another growing boy...
Posted by Dareth at 9:37 AM 1 comments
Labels: baby news
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Growing Boys
Well, hello there. Long time, no blog... That is for a myriad of reasons,but instead of boring you with that, I thought I'd resurface with a picture of my two favorite boys.We took my Hubs to The Happiest Place on Earth for his birthday over Spring Break. Awhile back, my mom had gotten Hubs a t-shirt from there that says Judge Me By My Size, Do You? with a picture of Yoda on the back. The Hubs, well, he's a BIG fan of Star Wars, and by BIG fan, I mean OBSESSED. So anyhow, they had one in my little guys size and Grandma couldn't help but snatch that up for him. The funny part of this t-shirt is the fact that my boys are both tall people. My Hubs is 6'1" and our 4 year old is quite tall and is wearing a size 8 in this
Posted by Timmarie at 8:16 AM 1 comments
Labels: randomness
Some middle of the night ramblings...
Well, here I am again. I cruised on into bed around 12am to be awakened by the Cutie at 1am. I haven't been able to go back to sleep ever since. (it's almost 4am...) I don't have any actual organized thoughts, like I had hoped I might. But, here goes nothing.
Posted by Dareth at 3:54 AM 2 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
A little speechless
I don't have many words this morning, but I feel compelled to make note of today.
Posted by Dareth at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Baby Blues
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
a picture update
Here is the only belly shot I have thus far. I am 27 weeks pregnant and as you can see, I am quite rotund... That's the Racer talking to our boy. Hey Racer, can you ask him his name while you are at it???
Posted by Dareth at 8:06 AM 2 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Where do we begin??
Things have been all kinds of crazy around here. Hopefully one day, when my brain works again, I can form a post that is more than just bullet points. But for now, it's all I can do.
- Firstly, who are those big kids in the header?? We had that other picture for so long, that the change seems very drastic to me.
- My husband's brother and my good friend got married this weekend. It was a crazy, busy, beautiful time. She was a beautiful bride and they looked very much in love.
- I was more tired last night than I can remember feeling since I delivered the Cutie. Now, that was tired!
- For the past 10 weeks, I have been having contractions. Each week, they seem to get more frequent and at times more intense.
- I am not showing signs of preterm labor. Which is good news, because my little guy needs to cook some more, Apparently my uterus is just irritable. I guess it's just being consistant with other parts of me, huh??
- I am now required to drink A LOT, rest often and wear a maternity belt when I am not resting.
- It's a tricky combo: Drink a gallon of water a day and then tightly strap this belt around your bladder...
- Life has taken on a frantic pace and I am working hard to slow it down. I want to enjoy these last few months with my girl as an only child. I do not want to wake up one day and discover my little girl is all grown up and I can't recall how she got there. I know that the time will fly by, and she'll be grown before we know it, but I want to be able to remember the ride.
Posted by Dareth at 7:43 AM 1 comments