Monday, September 24, 2012

Weigh in: Duece

I want to reflect on this first week a little to have documentation for myself.  The first week back on ww was powerful for me.  The first 2 days I went over my points and I was feeling discouraged with myself.  I made myself write down all of the points I ate even when I went over for accountability's sake.  I also reminded myself that messing up does not need to ruin my entire journey.

This week's victories:
*I drank almost 5 glasses of water per day.
*I ate within my points for 5 days this week and used 26 extra weekly points.
*I was out of town for 3 days.  In the past this would have given me reason enough to eat whatever I wanted.
*I feel like I made the first steps in changing my relationship with food.

Weigh in:    185.5
Last week:  189.5

This week's results:  -4 pounds.                Yay!

Next week's goals:
-drink more water
-stay within points
-make some ww friendly meals for my family

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weigh In: numero uno

Ok, things are worse than I thought.  But, I am not going to let that discourage me!  I am off to a great start this morning.  I have eaten a healthy, protein rich breakfast and packed snacks for my work day.  I have started on my water and have some to take with me in the car.  On my way to victory!!

Today's weight: 189.5 lbs.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

I am back!

So in a completely random turn of events, I decided to come back to this blog and write about this new weight loss journey I am going to tackle.  Since my last post here more than 2 years ago, life has taken on a whole new look.  I have been separated, divorced, begun working full time and the one that leads me here today, gained about 15 pounds.  Now, those 15 pounds were on top of my post-pregnancy weight that was about 20 pounds higher than I wanted to be.  So, here I am today, confessing to you that I would really love to lose about 40 pounds.  I am no longer healthy and it is time for a change.

I have had every excuse as to why I wasn't ready to tackle this journey yet.  The Racer and I decided today that if we didn't just do it, ready or not, we may never.  There will always be an excuse.  I have lived enough life over the past 5 years or so to know that there will always be another stressor that I can emotionally eat my way through.  It is time to stop: time to break the cycle!

Here are my goals:

*Post my weight each week.
*Eat within 24 daily points allowing myself the 35 extra weekly points when necessary.
*Track daily points and journal what I eat.
*Work my way up to drinking 10 glasses of water per day.  (This will take a while.)

I am ready to tackle this and I need the accountability in posting it here.